Monday, September 22, 2014

First post, and a little about me.

A few years ago I had (and still do have) a different blog on this website called the Algol Star System , which was the name of the Universe that the original Phantasy Star games were set in. I named it after that becuase I am a huge Phantasy Star fan, and I couldn't think of a better blog title at the time. That blog still exists today, but I chose to not use it, because re-reading all the old posts on it, its very negative, and its also from a time of my life that I am passed. I don't need that blog anymore. So now, rising from the ashes, is a new blog, under the name of the Gurhal Star system. The Gurhal star system is the name of the Universe that Phantasy Star Universe takes place in.

Phantasy Star Universe is incredibly special to me... because a lot of what I am now, is a result of the people I met on it, and the experiences I had with those people. For the first time, I was accepted as a girl (I am transgender) and treated like a girl. I had an amazing, and mischevious crew of people that would help eachother find items, just chillax on the game, and voice chat over ventrillo, and just realy share our stories and laugh together. It was a really amazing time... the people on that game are largely responsible for me coming to terms with my self as a transgender woman, and its really aroud the time when I really started to open up and come out to people.

It was also that time, when I came out to my mother, which did not go so well. Her initial response was asking me if I was on drugs... which kind of hit hard...and her next response was "I wish you were just gay" which hit even harder then the drug comment. This was back in 2007. For awhile she would go through phases of completely avoiding the subject, then to accepting and supporting, and back to rejection, and then the cycle would just keep on repeating, until 2013.

Rewind a bit back to 2009, December, a friend from PSU wants to introduce me to one of his PSU friends, randomly one night on Christmas day, around 1:20 AM. I usually ignore this person because he is annoying, but for some reason.. I responded, and he told me he wanted to introduce me to someone, and that someone is Tiffy, who is now my wife today. He wanted to introduce us because we both got Phantasy Star Portable 2 Japanese import for Christmas, and we are both transgender. I guess he wanted us to get to know each other because we were both in a similar place.... we quickly hit it off, playing Phantasy Star Portable 2 together all the time (an enhanced PSP port of Phantasy Star Universe, that still had online mode) and 3 days after we met, she said to me "would it be weird if I liked you? :3" and I told her "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't somewhat infatuated with you" or something like that... and we went from there.... January 6th we cybered for the first time... and very quickly after that we were a couple. All because of Phantasy Star Universe and the people we met on it.

PSU is an incredibly special game that is dear to my heart, so I felt it needed to be a part of my introduction. So  with that out of the way, I am Ashley. I'm 27 years old at the time of writing this blog (September 22, 2014) and I am a transgendered woman. I started electrolysis in July 2012, and have been doing it ever since. I started hormone replacement therapy on February 19th 2013, and life has been so different ever since. My body is changing, and becoming so much more feminine. I have breasts, my ass is getting bigger and rounder, and I'm just all around much happier and a lot less introverted then I used to be (though I still am an introvert).

2013 was probably the best year of my life, absolutely nothing went horribly wrong in it, and I was on hormones! Everything was great. 2014 on the other hand, has been a huge mixed bag. Tons of stress, physical health problems (my spine is messed up from a car accident in March 2012, and getting worse) freind betrayals, friend blockings.... but its not all bad, I've connected with many new people that I have come to really love... 3 people specifically come to mind. and out of those 3 people, 1 of them stands out as incredibly special to me and close to my heart. He knows who he is <3

I don't know what possessed me to make this blog today, maybe its cause I was feeling depressed and lonely, so I wanted to post something, somewhere, so here I am! I am Ashley, and I am a work in progress.

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